Counting the Omer Together: A Time of Fresh Revelation
On the first day after Passover, the Jews would begin counting up to Shavuot, also known as the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost. Shavuot is the celebration of the day when Moses went on the mountain and received the Torah from God. During the 50 days leading up to Shavuot, every night after sundown the people would go outside and declare to the moon and stars, “This is the first (second, third, etc.) day of the omer.”
As Christians, we recognize Pentecost as the day when the Holy Spirit was poured out. Before Jesus ascended to heaven, he told the disciples to wait together for the Spirit to come, and as they waited, they would have been counting the omer.
At WAIO, we are believing God is going to do something very significant in our families as we count the omer together. This will be a time of fresh revelation and instruction for our lives, and we hope you’ll join us in this biblical practice. We’ve even created a helpful handout to guide you through the 50 days from Passover to Pentecost, which you can download here.
- Published in Spiritual Growth
Family Revival & the Joy of the Lord
Family Revival & the Joy of the Lord
We recently experienced a powerful prophetic moment at Word Alive International Outreach (WAIO) with prophet Chris Reed of MorningStar Ministries. He prophesied over two members of our pastoral team as confirmation of what the Lord is going to do in our church through our families.
First, he talked about family revival and gave the names of one member’s wife, daughter and two grandchildren through a word of knowledge. He saw a picture of a table being set as if God would use him to bring the family together.
In another word of knowledge, he spoke the other member’s home address and said, “You can’t just have it here, you have to take it home with you.”
We are believing that family revival will lead to the joy of the Lord being renewed, and we will find the path of life. As Chris prayed, “Let this church be known as a family church and one that is contagious with the joy of the Lord.”
Watch this video to watch this prophetic moment for yourself:
- Published in Spiritual Growth