A Year of Growth: Sowing the Right Kinds of Seeds for a Spiritual Harvest
At Word Alive, we follow the Hebraic calendar, and we’ve just entered the Hebraic year of 5783. This is a significant year because it speaks of the abundance God wants to pour into our lives.
We receive a color from the Lord every year and this year that color is green because we believe it is time to grow. When I began to meditate on that, I came across Galatians 6:7-9 which says,
“Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption; but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.”
I thought it was interesting that the Lord would speak to me about growth in terms of growing weary. I realized that we don’t suddenly become weary, we grow weary. We make choices and sow seeds that lead to exhaustion. I felt like the Lord exploded the revelation inside of me that this year brings so much potential for us to grow, and literally anything is possible if we just sow the right seed.
I began to think about what could be accomplished in a year’s time, and here are a few examples that came to mind:
- Read through the entire Bible
- Learn to play a musical instrument
- Learn a new language
- Write a book
- Loose 20 pounds and get in shape
- Pay off a credit card
We can accomplish so much if we just sow the right seeds. That’s all it boils down to. Decide what you want to do or overcome this year, and start making the right choices and committing to the right disciplines daily. By this time next year, you will reap a harvest.
This is the year to grow. Sow the right seed, and do not grow weary in well-doing!
Watch Pastor Kent’s full message below.
- Published in Spiritual Growth