The New Month of Tevet
December 24 began the tenth Biblical month: Tevet.
The number ten is associated with order, tithe and testimony. Likewise, this month is all about getting things in order, setting our priorities straight, growing up and maturing in the Lord.
Our good Father matures us through both His word and through His love. Often we resist growing up, but Hebrews 12:11 says, “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”
Maturing in God is a good thing as it equips us for good works. In fact, the word “Tevet” comes from the root word “good.” This root is the same word God used in Genesis when he saw his creation and said it was “good.”
In this time, the Lord wants to separate the light from the darkness in our lives so that we can see clearly. He uses His word as the lamp unto our feet that guides us into maturity.
Watch the teaching below to learn more about this month and how you can pursue maturity in this season.
- Published in Spiritual Growth
New Year’s Resolutions: Aligning the Main Parts of Your Life with God
It’s that time of year again when everyone is making New Year’s Resolutions.
However, so many of us make these resolutions and then fail to move forward on them. I have another concept I’d like to present. It’s as simple as just aligning with God on the main parts of our lives.
There’s a very powerful spiritual principle found in Matthew 6:33 that simply says, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all of these things will be added unto you.”
I believe there’s a principle in the Kingdom of God called the power of alignment: Get the main things right first, and then all of the other things will be added unto that.
I pray that as we begin to move into a new season you will begin to align with the kingdom of God. The two main things you have to align with are your time and your resources.
Take a moment to watch this encouraging video about how we use our time and resources to align our 2023 calendars with the Lord.
- Published in Spiritual Growth
Chanukah: The Feast of Dedication
The Feast of Dedication is here!
On the night of Sunday, December 18, the Feast of Chanukah began. This special feast will last for 8 days and will end on Monday, December 26.
While commonly known as Hanukah, it is also referred to as the Feast of Dedication or the Feast of Lights, as the word Chanukah means “dedication” in Hebrew. This feast is about lights, fights, miracles, and most importantly, the God of impossibilities.
After taking back the temple from a Greek invasion, the Maccabees found one flask of sanctified oil in the rubble. They used this oil to light the lampstand in the temple. This lamp stand looked something like a menorah.
They took the one flask, with enough oil to burn for only one day, and lit the menorah. However, God multiplied the oil, and the lamp miraculously burned for 8 days.
This amazing story is why Chanukah is called the feast of dedication and is celebrated with lights.
Sit back and enjoy the video teaching to learn about this feast on God’s calendar and how you can celebrate Chanukah for yourself!
Most of all during the “Feast of Lights,” may our hearts be drawn closer to the love of Yeshua Jesus — The Light of the World.
- Published in Spiritual Growth