The New Month of Av
Last month, we walked through the open door of Tammuz and focused on opening our eyes to see things from God’s heavenly perspective. Now, in the month of Av, the Lord is calling us to focus our attention on our hearing, specifically, on hearing the good report of the Lord.
There are so many voices bidding for us to lend them our ears. So, the question is, “Whose voice will we listen to? Whose voice can we believe?” We know this: God is not an author of confusion but of peace and clarity. It is safe to heed our Father’s word.
Av is the Hebrew root word for Abba, which translates to “Father.”
I sense the Lord saying in this time:
“Be still before me, and you will hear the voice of your Heavenly Father. It will rise up above all of the others, for My sheep know My voice. Listen to Me, for My words are spirit and life. Believe me and follow Me, and I will shepherd you safely into your promised land because of my great love for you.”
May you be blessed as you listen to the words of this teaching and hear from our Heavenly Father.
- Published in Appointed Times, Spiritual Growth