The New Month of Sh’vat
January 10 marked the beginning of a new biblical month: Sh’vat!
Sh’vat is known as the month of trees. Right now, the Lord is calling us to be like trees, rooted and grounded in His love. He is reminding us that we can prosper in any season, even in the middle of winter! In fact, it is His desire that we prosper both in the spiritual and in the physical.
How do we do so? By abiding in Him. He tells us that those who abide in Him will bear much fruit and that apart from Him we can do nothing. We abide in Him by meditating on His word, delighting in Him and living in the truth that He loves us.
This month is a beautiful contrast to the revelation of last month, when we were called to grow “up” and mature. This month, we are called to grow “down,” dig deeper and connect our roots to the Source of Life so that we may bear fruit.
We pray that in this year of the door, you open your hearts to receive a fresh revelation of God’s love for you. Be blessed as you listen to this teaching on the month of Sh’vat.
- Published in Appointed Times, Spiritual Growth