Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel & Ari Abramowitz


Ministry to Israel

Arugot Farm is an organic farm and retreat center in Israel overlooking the Judean Desert that provides tours, workshops and overnight retreats designed to connect individuals to the beauty and soul of the land of Israel. It was founded by four pioneering families (including Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel, his wife Tehila and their six children) who literally paved the roads into these previously inaccessible mountains. Arugot Farm is located on the southeastern tip of Judea in an area critical to the safety and security of Israel and the Jewish people. It is located in the heart of the biblical "Wilderness of Zif" where King David composed many of the Psalms and hid from King Saul.

In just a few years, the farm has been transformed from a barren, desolate wilderness to a Garden-of-Eden-like oasis. There is a House of Prayer for All Nations on site, where individuals and groups from all walks of life can step into a unique, life-changing experience that provides illuminating context to the history, holiness and critical importance of Judea and the destiny of Israel. Jeremy and Tehila are transforming the Judean frontier into a global destination for spirituality and transcendence.

Every week, Rabbi Jeremy and his team also pour out their hearts and give everything they have to the hundreds of live participants around the world through their online broadcast. Already, more than 1,000 Jewish and Christian families have become members of their Fellowship. Joining the Fellowship is a fantastic way to stay connected to Torah, Israel and the Jewish People, and is another way to support their mission on the Judean frontier. Jeremy and his team also work each day to serve, provide for and protect the families around them who are on the frontlines of the war currently happening in the Gaza territories and beyond.

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Take the next step in your journey with Israel and the Hebrew Bible



Hear more about the Land of Israel Fellowship from Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel. Hundreds of families from over 30 countries around the world have joined this virtual community to enhance their faith, deepen their understanding and align their destiny with Israel.