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We want to be faithful and generous people.

Giving our resources back to God is simply a natural response to an understanding of His extravagant generosity. It also demonstrates our faith in His provision and our willingness to put the Lord first in all things. Furthermore, our giving empowers our ministry to impact the world’s spiritual and physical needs.

At Word Alive, we do our very best to steward your gift well. We use financial resources to help people experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus, and we heavily invest in difference-making local outreaches and global ministry partners.

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  • word alive international outreach biblical month second adar
    11 March 2024 by Carla Yerkes, in Appointed Times,Spiritual Growth
    The New Month of II Adar
    We are now in the second observance of the month of Adar! Instead of adding an e...
  • word alive international outreach new biblical month of 1 adar
    12 February 2024 by Carla Yerkes, in Appointed Times,Spiritual Growth
    The New Month of First Adar
    February 9 began the new month of Adar, the last month of the biblical year! Ada...
  • word alive international outreach christine vales biblical month shvat prohetic teaching
    11 January 2024 by Carla Yerkes, in Appointed Times,Spiritual Growth
    The New Month of Sh’vat
    Sh'vat is known as the month of trees. Right now, the Lord is calling us to be l...


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Bring an offering with you and place it in the wooden boxes near the entrances to our sanctuary.