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Teshuvah: 40 Days of Favor

T’shuvah: 40 Days of Favor

As we step into the Hebraic month of Elul, we also enter the season of Teshuvah or 40 days of repentance and favor. Hear more from Pastor Kent Mattox on the significance of the days leading up to the Feast of Tabernacles.

Chalkboard teaching: The new month of Elul

The New Month of Elul

Elul is the sixth month on the biblical calendar, and it is known as the month when the King is in the field. Jesus is the King of kings who left his heavenly palace and came down to earth to dwell with us.

A Season to Feed Your Faith & Starve Your Doubts

We are in a spiritual season when God is igniting our faith. We must choose to believe God and reverse the curse, turning it into blessing.

word alive international outreach new biblical month of av chalkboard teaching

The New Month of Av

In the month of Av, the Lord is calling us to focus our attention on our hearing, specifically, on hearing the good report of the Lord. There are so many voices bidding for us to lend them our ears. So, the question is, “Whose voice will we listen to? Whose voice can we believe?”

word alive international outreach encouragement word from pastor kent

One of our main assignments here at Word Alive is to ensure that God’s people are connected with God’s timing. I want to tell you about a very important date on God’s calendar this month called the Ninth of Av. Something significant happened on this day. 

Word alive international outreach altar of fire revelation

We recently spent some time in the mountains with a team from Alabama to hear from the Lord and gain new strategies for the future. It was such a powerful gathering! The Lord really blew us away with some incredible revelation regarding true worship and the times we are living in.

Word alive international outreach new biblical month tammuz chalkboard teaching

The New Month of Tammuz

The new biblical month of Tammuz began on June 19. Tammuz is the fourth month on God’s calendar. The number four is connected to a picture of a door. It’s as if the door is opening wide, not only into a whole new month but into the whole new season of summer.

Sivan Chalkboard Teaching

The New Month of Sivan

Sivan is the third month on God’s spiritual calendar when we move out of transition into a time of extravagant provision. Provision, by definition, is supply made in advance for future use. This is how the God of the Bible operates.

word alive international outreach pastor kent encouragement video 222 signs and wonders

Do you ever feel like numbers are following you? There have been several moments in my life where the same numbers turn up time and time again. Recently I’ve been seeing the number 222. I believe this is the Lord speaking.