The Amazon, Dominican Republic, Nepal & Tanzania


Doc Hendley


Ministry to Nations Around the Globe

Wine To Water (WTW) is a global non-profit preserving life and dignity through the power of clean water. Founded in 2004, they develop WASH (water, sanitation, hygiene) solutions in direct partnership with local leaders, creating impact beyond water. Their team works relentlessly to improve environmental sustainability, education, women’s empowerment, healthcare and economic growth.

The organization was founded by musician and former bartender, Doc Hendley, who launched Wine To Water in 2004 while bartending and playing music in nightclubs in Raleigh, North Carolina. With the money he raised, he traveled to Darfur, Sudan and began installing water systems for victims of government-supported genocide.

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In addition to providing safe, clean water, a core part of Wine To Water's mission is disaster response. They provide critical resources to people in need, deliver aid in times of crisis and restore access to water in dire situations.



Experience the excitement as WTW's drilling team strikes water in Tanzania! 5,000 people will drink from this well, but the BEST part is that the kids at this school are in charge of it.